Won’t You Come In?

Thought about making this guy several feet tall to put by the entrance to my booth(s) to invite people in to look at my work, but couldn’t make a sketch I liked, so just made a maquette to work out the kinks. Now that I see it, I think a large version would too easily get knocked over by the frenzied crowds … so IF I make a bigger version, I’ll build him on an integral ceramic base/pedestal and maybe beef him up a bit so he can survive thwacking backpacks.

Completed the sculpting phase of a medium sized sculpture tonight. Started assembly stage of fired Aristophanes. Three months from today I’ll be in my booth at BAM if all goes according to plan. We finished a big marketing project for our tile biz yesterday, so I’m hoping I’ll have more uninterrupted time to sculpt now. Three months will fly by!

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